Friday, December 28, 2007

Austin's two week old progress report

now that he's a whopping 2weeks old, his schedules is as follow..... eat, sleep, poop... thats it.... i'm REALLY jealous.....

Isn't he HANDSOME like his father???

Friday, December 14, 2007


born December 14, 2007 at 1:47pm. 6 lbs 13oz. and 20 inches long. mom, dad, and austin are a-ok..... more updates will follow soon....

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Baby Aggie is almost ready; week 37!!!!!!!!!

First, and foremost, BA says "THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR THE PRESENTS." Kathleen says, "thank you erwin for taking pictures of me, while I do all the hard work of folding the clothes and putting everything away."
For the most part, BA's room is complete, all its needs is our BA. We were going to go with a decor that combines the warmth and character of natural timbers handcrafted to reflect both modern and contemporary design. Then, I woke up.

Millie, calling dibs on bottom bunk.

BA in Mommy's womb, staying warm while the Bears are playing cold.

If you haven't already made your educate guess, please feel free to estimate BA's gender, birth weight, length, and birth date and time.


and enter the game name "BabyAggie", all one word, no space between words. There WILL be a surprise for the winning submission.