Sunday, August 22, 2010

Alexi Remi, born August 4, 6lbs & .05 oz, 18 3/4 inches!!!

Our blog hasn't been updated in awhile and we couldn't wait any longer to revive. Alexi Remi is here!!! Mommy, Daddy, Big Brother Austin, and Big Sister Ava are all well. BA3's expected due date was supposed to be 7th, but Alexi JUST COULDN'T WAIT to join his already busy and fun family.

Hospital pictures:

Manong Austin, holding his 'baby brudder'. Austin holds him with such care and is always want to kiss and hold Alexi. He'll even talk in a softer voice, about his Alexi.

Proud Grandpa and Grandma, with the Grandkids.
The new starting lineup.

Lola, Lolo, and Auntie Emily.

With Mommy and Alexi away from home, the home team was on water-table detail.

With Auntie Pin and cheesy-smile Austin.

Manang Ava, making sure Alexi is properly dressed.

Trouble, Trouble, and Trouble.

Chipotle-Alexi, unfortunately, with black beans.

6-days old.


Workin' on the ground game already, of course.

So our lives begin with another exciting challenge and we couldn't have asked for more. 'Sleep', we'll see you again in 10 years. Alexi, welcome to the world!!!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

long overdue update....

Aggie's are back from blog hiatus....

Ava's 1 year old video montage; alot easier to make with iMovie

Monday, January 11, 2010

Austin is 2!!!!

2 years old already?!?!?! Yeah, we couldn't believe it either. Austin had a fun time celebrating with all of his close friends and family. His sister Ava was his biggest fan. The birthday party was at the same indoor soccer facility that he participates in every weekend. Thank you everyone for making it fun for him.

Please view the video from the birthday party;

A recent ad, with Austin.

or... cut and paste the link below, into your web browser.