Friday, November 30, 2012

November, Movember, still-waking-up-at-5am-vember

Whomever thought of the daylight savings, obviously did not have kids.  Or at least think of how Alexi and Ava don't care to adjust their internal clocks.  With or without sleep, we LOVE THEM UNCONDITIONALLY.  We enjoy spending all our time with them.  If its taking Austin, Ava, and Alexi to the circus, toy fairs, or just playing outside - we love every moment with them.  Thanksgivings were family feasts, our shared-bday weekend was bountiful, and Grandpa's retirement party weekend was exciting.  Oh.... and Alexi was the cutest darn panda for Halloween.

We don't eat McDonald's often, but when they do, its for the Happy Meal hats
quick pit stop at Daddy's work
Does this black eye look bad?  Alexi runs so fast, that his feet will come out from underneath him

Pretty Mommy and Ava on their way to see the Nutcracker ballet

Aggie outing at the Circus, thank you Lolo and Lola!!!

Ava's dream meal - cotton candy

 Thanksgiving day at Uncle BriBri's

Grandpa, carving the tasty bird

Turkey Bowl game or Star Wars toy time?  Easy one to pick.

 At the Horse Statue outside of my office

OPPA Chicago-Austin style

cleaning the oven, is a family matter, really

Chicago Toy and Game fair

No biggie, just afew guys from some sci-fi movie

R2, AA, NS, and KS

playing, playing, playing

sweet Ava

Alexi really needs to learn to run from Ava

Go Bears!!!  Maybe next week???

Gangnam Austin and cousin Max style

Congratulations Grandpa!!!

 Ava in Grandpa's office

as far as the kids were concerened, playing with their cousins was the REAL party

Alexi w cousin Tessa

Johnny-Alexi Cash

These next set of pictures were taken by Austin, on his walk to school.  Its an intertesting view; we're are glad he's not camera conscious.

haircut day for Austin and Alexi

Ava Princess, Alexi Panda, Austin-stegosaurus.  Thank you Mommy for sewing the boy's costumes.

Halloween morning, Austin and Ava were able to wear their costumes to school

These 2 pick the wrong times to sleep, always

Austin and Ava having a blast with Sacha at Sebastian's 1st Birthday party!!!

Thank you Lolo and Lola for the Chinese traditional outfits!!!