Sunday, May 15, 2011

St Louis Stop: Cousin Jayson and Ashlee's wedding

It might be hard to tell, but Austin was in full Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle dance-mode.

Ava - dancing in circles, circles, and circles

Alexi - dressed and proper, until his bottle went dry

This is as proper as the kids are going to get, for now.

Cousins Jayson and Ashlee!!!!!

Busy.  Mommy.

Matthew, Brendan, and Austin.  Trouble, all night.

Rachel, Manang Roweiner, Lolo, and Lola

Have truck, will party.

Cousins Rayden, Machew, Brendan with Austin and Ava

Lolo with his Alexi

Cuteness, right before she throws the rocks

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