Thursday, August 04, 2011

Summer Fun!!!

Summer 2011:  with graduation parties, birthday parties, pool times, vacations, road trips, and weddings - we knew our days would be hectic.  But....  this hectic lifestyle is exactly what we signed up for and welcomed it and all of its surprises.  We also knew this would be the Summer of the Alexi, we just didn't know he'd learn to walk so early.  With him being mobile, plus the already existing spread offense of Austin and Ava, we decided to take on the summer challenge and enjoy it.  Don't worry, the kids still ate their veggies, exercised, while Mommy and Daddy read them their summer books.  One final note, I'm glad I started this blog, or we'd never remember what we did this summer.  Now....  please check our latest update....

Our Alexi is 1!!!
Untitled from e8w117 on Vimeo.

Centennial Beach with the family

Auntie Elaine's 1st trip to the USA, so embarrasing

Thnx Auntie Ruth for watching the nappers Alexi and Calvin(background)

Too much kool-aid???

Austin, learns how to payback his Dad.  I was so proud, I laughed.

1st day on the bike, with helmet of course.  He still hasn't learned how to stop.

 Another stop on the Playground Tour 2011
halo-halo making with Auntie Pining

Prolly the two coolest Dads at the Museum, just sayin.

Daft Punk video???

This move, baffled everyone

5 (fast) kids, 3 adults, 1 stroller.  Its so much easier when I'm taking pictures.

Lunch date with Mommy, at Nordstrom's

When the adults are CLEARLY outnumbered by the kids, this is the only souvenir picture at New Buffalo Beach.
Playground Tour 2011 continues

Thank you for the home made playdoh Malinda!!!
Alexi, copying Daddy's profile, example 1

Alexi, copying Daddy's profile, example2

At Vienna Beef Factory Store, yum!!!

PetSmart = Free Zoo


Austin, workin it, for 
Stroller, water, purse - Mommy's mini-me

Partying with the Andrew and Maya, fun party(Daddy survived).

No Pain, No Gain.  Watch the video below...  
This, is what Super-Mommy does EVERYDAY.  THNX MOMMY!!!!!

Shirts, optional, I guess....
Playground Tour 2011
The calm, before the storm
Ava, wanted to test the new goggles...

I scream, you scream, they scream for ice cream.  Seriously.
Pool fun, with Auntie Emily!!!

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