Wednesday, January 25, 2012

All 3, sitting, quietly. I couldn't believe it either.

So, this is the 2nd day in a row, of watching this Star Wars documentary before dinner.  Austin studies it with such vigor and it brings Ava to a standstill.  I didn't think Alexi could sit still, but when this is on, he's frozen in time.  I couldn't believe it, I just had to record it.  I really have no idea why/how these kids are SO into that silly Star Wars stuff.  Its like they've been fed this nonsense from birth.  TOTALLY weird.  Who knew Star Wars was entertaining???
(Excuse the picture orientation, from top to bottom pics were most recent to oldest)
Sofar this week, Mommy duty has been in full effect. 

Alexi naps, Austin picks his nose, and Ava passes out in Mommy's lap.

Its hard to tell in this picture, but Ava is freaking out, when she is only afew inches off the ground.  She does this every time.  Then, she'll go climb back up 3 stories.

Austin is getting harder and harder to capture with a still camera.

Alexi is such a caring brother, he'll share dirty ice with Ava anytime.

New haircut and ready to work!!!

Monkey Bizness Monday

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